The Windstorm Mitigation Inspection
Property insurance is an expense that all homeowners with a mortgage pay. It is usually part of your monthly mortgage payment. However, most homeowners don’t know how they may reduce that cost. It is done by having a windstorm mitigation inspection. A windstorm mitigation inspection, is a kind of home inspection that determines the appropriateness of a given structure's construction in the event of a hurricane or strong winds.
Windstorm inspections look for construction features that have been shown to reduce losses in hurricanes, such as hip roofs, CBS construction, the presence of appropriate bracings and opening protections such as shutters and or impact windows.
A homeowner can submit the results of a windstorm inspection to their insurer to obtain discounts on their windstorm insurance. The savings can be significant, up to 45% premium discounts for certain favorable wind mitigation features.
In Florida, a wind mitigation inspection is performed by a licensed general contractor, building contractor, architect, engineer, building inspector or home inspector. The information gathered is presented on a standard wind mitigation form, OIR-B1-1802, commonly referred to as the 1802 form. As of Feb 1, 2012, all inspections must have photos showing each feature listed on the wind mitigation form.
In case you missed it, take the tour to see a true princess of a home.
301 Deer Run, Miami Springs, FL 33166
Visit this diamond in the rough.
356 La Villa Drive, Miami Springs FL 33166
The Current Market
The Miami Springs Real Estate market continues to be full of activity. During the period of Friday November 18, 2016 through November 25, 2016, there were 2 new listings, 5 closed sales, 0 pending sales and 0 expired listing.
The table below gives you the current status of the Miami Springs real estate market as of Friday, November 25, 2016. Closed sales are within last 90 days.
A complete list of all the properties for sale in Miami Springs or any other area of Miami Dade County can be sent to you on regular basis. Please send your request to [email protected].
We offer complete real estate services and we always have fresh coffee.
“Coffee with Charlie” every Sunday from 10:00 am to 12 Noon.
We are open Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Appointments are also available upon request.
190 Westward Drive, Miami Springs, Fl 33166
Interest rates continue to remain low. Truly a great time to buy.
Sellers if you are considering selling the prices have increased dramatically in Miami Springs.
Take advantage now.
Beautiful Miami Springs. Tree City USA. Our secret paradise in Miami Dade County!
Thank You
Charlie 305-726-8416